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Plenty of Philly Beethoven fans are disappointed to miss this spring’s special roster of birthday concerts. (Photo by Alaina Johns.)

Lockdown reminds us Beethoven’s chamber music isn’t only for professionals

Beethoven and the amateurs

The COVID-19 pandemic halted not only the celebration of Beethoven’s 250th birthday, but also music-making within the amateur community. Public concert series are unlikely to be rescheduled, but David W. Webber promises that amateurs will take up the celebration again.
David W. Webber

David W. Webber

Articles 4 minute read
Indian American writer Christina Anthony as a child, pictured in front of the Taj Mahal. She wears purple overalls

Three Bollywood movies shaped who I am today—and they’re ready to stream

Growing up in Bollywood

Christina Anthony grew up renting a Bollywood movie with her family every weekend. She looks back on three films—which you can now stream on Netflix or Amazon Prime—that shaped who she is today.
Christina Anthony

Christina Anthony

Articles 5 minute read
Streaming the “oldest, truest, most beautiful organ of music” with ‘Das Rheingold’ at the Met.  (Photo by Ken Howard/Met Opera.)

The Metropolitan Opera offers free streams of its ‘Live in HD’ series

Three things I learned from Wagner

For Kile Smith, the quarantine was well timed: just as he’s working on his first commissioned opera, he took in a Wagner marathon thanks to the Met’s nightly stream.
Kile Smith

Kile Smith

Articles 5 minute read
Exploring the vulnerability of parent/child relationships: 1997’s ‘Miss Lou’ by Rachel Bliss; mixed media on panel. (Image courtesy of the artist.)

Let’s be honest: Do we really seek out art when we’re in pain?

Beauty and affliction

We always say that art matters, but what value does art really have when we’re living through the worst of times? Artist Treacy Ziegler goes beyond the platitudes.
Treacy Ziegler

Treacy Ziegler

Articles 5 minute read
Meeting their match: Madeleine Worral as Jane and Felix Hays as Rochester. (Photo by Manual Harlan.)

National Theatre Live presents a free stream of Charlotte Brontë’s ‘Jane Eyre’

Taking Thornfield home

National Theatre Live delivers a fresh production of Jane Eyre as bold as the heroine of Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel, streaming free on YouTube through April 16, 2020. Melissa Strong reviews.
Melissa Strong

Melissa Strong

Articles 4 minute read

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People’s Light offers a rare chance for ticket buyers to see a filmed version of a production that would have been onstage now. (Photo by Charles T. Brastow.)

People’s Light joins the digital life of American theater with Jeanne Sakata’s ‘Hold These Truths'

How one local theater streamed its shows after the shutdown

As many theater companies throughout the country begin offering streaming content to offset closures, People’s Light releases a filmed version of Jeanne Sakata’s ‘Hold These Truths,’ a production that was canceled due to COVID-19. Cameron Kelsall watches and considers.
Cameron Kelsall

Cameron Kelsall

Articles 6 minute read
Jacqueline Constance is feeling the blow from the pandemic, but that isn't stopping her creativity. (Photo courtesy of the artist.)

In the pandemic shut-down, Philly's musicians find creative ways to keep playing

The gigs we lost

Philly's music scene has taken a hit as clubs and restaurants have shut down and gigs have been canceled. John Morrison speaks with a few local artists on how they are coping, how they are adapting creatively, and what this means for the future of music in the city.
John Morrison

John Morrison

Articles 4 minute read
Jazz photographer captured drummer Robert Henderson, and sales of the picture benefit the artist. (Photo by Anthony Dean.)

Philly’s jazz community is still playing, and lifting each other up, in the pandemic

COVID-19 won’t cancel Jazz Appreciation Month

Local musicians had their calendars wiped clean as the COVID-19 pandemic descended. But they’re streaming and supporting each other. Suzanne Cloud stays connected so you can, too.
Suzanne Cloud

Suzanne Cloud

Articles 5 minute read
“If I can do it, you can do it, and here’s how to do it.” Today’s master chefs honor Julia Child on ‘Dishing with Julia.’ (Image courtesy of PBS.)

‘Dishing with Julia Child’ premieres on WHYY

Feasting on the past and present

Today’s top culinary stars view a past master on PBS’s ‘Dishing with Julia Child.’ Gail Obenreder reviews.
Gail Obenreder

Gail Obenreder

Articles 4 minute read
A breathtaking Philly aesthetic: Jason Segel and Eve Lindley in ‘Dispatches from Elsewhere.’ (Photo by Joy Richardson for AMC Networks.)

‘Dispatches from Elsewhere’: Seeing Philadelphia while you’re stuck inside

Philly gets its TV due

The locally shot 'Dispatches from Elsewhere' has established itself as a first-rate mystery, making better use of Philadelphia locations than any movie or show in memory. Stephen Silver reviews.
Stephen Silver

Stephen Silver

Articles 4 minute read