Janet Golden
BSR Contributor Since June 14, 2016
Janet Golden is a historian of medicine, childhood, and women, a writer of humor, and co-editor of “The Public’s Health,” the public health blog of the Philadelphia Inquirer. Find out more about her at https://golden.camden.rutgers.edu.
Janet Golden is a professor of history at Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey, where she specializes in the history of medicine, history of childhood, women’s history, and American social history. She is the author or editor of nine books, and the author or co-author numerous peer-reviewed articles. She coedits both the Critical Issues in Health and Medicine series at Rutgers University Press and “The Public’s Health,” the public health blog of the Philadelphia Inquirer. She enjoys writing humor pieces with her neighbor and friend Roz Warren. Her webpage is https://golden.camden.rutgers.edu/ and you can find her on twitter @jgolden08.