Jaamil Olawale Kosoko
BSR Contributor Since December 29, 2007
Poet and interdisciplinary performance artist Jaamil Olawale Kosoko. Visit his website at www.kosokoperformance.org.
Poet and interdisciplinary performance artist, Jaamil Olawale Kosoko creates spectacle-dance installations that draw from visual, literary, and theatrical aesthetics. Kosoko has performed in the choreographic works of various artists and companies, including Ann Carlson, Yoshiko Chuma, Terry Creach, Lisa Kraus, Helen Lesterlin, Richard Siegal, Kate Watson-Wallace, Pig Iron Theatre Company, Headlong Dance Theater, Leah Stein Dance Company, Emergent Improvisation Ensemble, and, Faustin Linyekula and Les Studios Kabako (The Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa).
He is a member of Artists U, a non-profit organization focusing on professional development for Philadelphia based dance and theater artists, and an office administrator for Dance/USA Philadelphia.
He is a member of Artists U, a non-profit organization focusing on professional development for Philadelphia based dance and theater artists, and an office administrator for Dance/USA Philadelphia.