As you've seen the past few weeks, each Friday, we’re sharing our September calendars with you! Here’s where you can run into some Broad Street Review staff next week... just as we run into each other. Use our picks to help plan your own Fringe schedule if the lineup has you overwhelmed, and if you end up spotting us in the audience, do be sure to introduce yourself as a BSR reader.
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This is the only way to get our team’s Fringe itinerary! Check out where we’ll be for the next seven days. And let us know what you're headed to!
WHEN: Friday, September 16
WHERE: The Latvian Society
WHY: I'm intrigued by the combined promise of dance, immersive theatricality, and desire.
WHEN: Sunday, September 18
WHERE: Eisenhower Science and Technology Leadership Academy
WHY: A young friend of mine is performing in this show which, while not part of the Fringe festivals, certainly feels like an ambitious, exciting take on the classic play Our Town.
WHEN: Tuesday, September 20
WHERE: Underground Arts
WHY: I'm part of the team at First Person Arts that produces, among other events, storyslams. This will be our second annual show celebrating sexuality, and it comes on the heels of another event we have that discusses the effects, and prevention of, sexual violence.
How To Be An Ethical Slut
WHEN: Wednesday, September 21
WHERE: The Adrienne Theater Mainstage
WHY: As someone who’s experienced solo polyamory as well as single-hood, marriage, divorce, and monogamous partnership, I’m interested in this one-woman cabaret busting myths about ethical sluthood.
WHEN: Thursday, September 22
WHERE: The Latvian Society
WHY: BSR critic Melissa Strong loved BATH HOUSE, the latest from Gunnar Montana, and I’m interested to see it for myself, partly to reflect on the question of which bodies (reflected on stage, or simply able to get into the room) are deemed sensual and desirable.
Remember: we need your support! Donating to BSR is easy, and the monthly donors in our Friends of BSR program (starting at $5 a month!) are powering our future, not just our September coverage.