Sharp-eyed readers of last week's newsletter noticed a typo in the subhead. It's inevitable: these mistakes happen, and people will let us know about them. I've gotten a lot of emails over the years! My latest error and the responses to it inspired a new editorial. Check it out below and let us know what you think.
In other news, we're reviewing the Philly stop of Ain't Too Proud: The Life and Times of The Temptations, the hit Broadway musical now on its first national tour, onstage at the Academy of Music through January 21. We've also got the latest from the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society, BalletX, and the Philadelphia Orchestra.
This can be a tough time of year: post-holiday blues, short days, cold gray weather, and many weeks to go until spring. And so many of us are sick! Covid is still going strong, even though it's barely in the news. It can't hurt to wear a mask in crowds and give extra consideration to folks at high risk. We hope you're finding some warmth and enjoyment in these dark winter days. Thanks for spending January with us.
Alaina Johns
BSR editor-in-chief