This is a busy time for us behind the scenes at BSR, as we lay some exciting plans for year's end that include our writers, subscribers, and donors. Look out for announcements in the coming weeks of new ways we're giving back to our readers and supporters.
This week, we're reviewing the latest at Bucks County Playhouse, Quintessence, and Camden Repertory Theater, plus a new gallery about the First Amendment at the National Constitution Center, a new commission by the Philadelphia Orchestra, and an intimate, intriguing look at pointe shoes. Whew!
Looking ahead, we have more ballet on the docket, plus a look at The No Name Pops, a new nonprofit featuring musicians who are still waiting on payment from The Philly Pops. Their concert is coming up later this month. And (you guessed it) lots more. See you next week!
Alaina Johns
BSR editor-in-chief