If you didn't see last week's Friday email, look out for the next one this Friday. Beyond the reviews our many writers are already working on, BSR staffers are checking out plenty of other Fringe shows. Find out where we'll be, week to week, and why we chose those shows, in our Friday mailers for the duration of the fest (a BSR subscribers' exclusive). If you have friends who aren't on the list, tell them it's a great time to get in the loop.
Look out for our festival reviews beginning today, and check out this week's new stories, including one writer who shares what happened when a miscarriage sent her to the ER in 1979. She's worried that people in the same boat in 2022 are in much more dangerous territory. We also have a look at a new documentary film following a Philly-area family living with addiction, another vital topic in our local healthcare landscape, with profound effects on our city.
We hope to see lots of you this month! Thanks for reading as the season turns.