It’s that time of year—starting next week, Broad Street Review will be going on its annual summer break. You won’t see any new articles from us, but there is plenty to catch up on while we’re away. We’ll need the recharge time with the Fringe Festival arriving right around the corner from the break, and we’re excited about this year’s offerings. Until then, we’ve got plenty to hold you over until mid-August.
The Women’s Film Festival and BlackStar Film Festival are back home, bringing local and international perspectives to screens downtown. There are also plenty of other movie screenings to dive into—see the August repertory roundup and you'll find some classic flicks that are coming to the big screen. Then, we take a look at Rachel Hsu’s new installation popping up near the Oval on the Parkway, and catch a show about a Pancake Queen.
Be safe, Philly! See you in the car,
Kyle V. Hiller
BSR associate editor