Dear BSR Subscriber,
Welcome to a special series just for you!
The Fringe is more fun with your friends. That's why the BSR team is sharing our September calendar with you. Every Friday morning for the duration of Fringe, look for our email to find out first which shows our staff is heading to, and why. Use our picks to help plan your own Fringe schedule if the lineup has you overwhelmed, and if you end up joining us in the audience, be sure to say hello!
Thanks as always for joining us on the BSR subscribers list, which is the only place to get our team’s Fringe itinerary!
We hope this inside look at our Fringe adventures, beyond the many stories we’ll run on the BSR site, will give you a new window on our work, and how we stay in touch with the artists we cover. We could not do this work without our supporters, and the folks who sign up for an automatic monthly donation (starting at just $5), are powering our future. You read BSR. Can you put a few bucks behind us too?
Here are two shows Alaina is going to see in the coming week:
Image courtesy of FringeArts.
Heart Ripped Out Twice and So Can You!
WHEN: Wednesday, September 7
WHERE: The MAAS Building Studio (home of the Cannonball Festival)
WHY: Living in a body is the worst, and it’s also the only way to go. Love hurts, but we can't live without it. We can all relate to crisis and heartbreak, and this show dares us to laugh about it.
Image courtesy of Threnody Collective.
WHEN: Thursday, September 8
WHERE: Christ Church Neighborhood House
WHY: Fringe shows with a Pig Iron School connection should always be top of the list, and I’m interested in this show’s themes of handling individual and collective grief – something none of us can avoid these days.
If you like keeping in touch with us as we explore the Philly scene, support our staff with a donation, or forward this email to a friend you think will get a kick out of it! We’re going to cover Fringe shows from all the festivals, all September long. We love bringing this to you and can’t do it without your support.
Help Broad Street Review bring you the Fringe
See you at a show!
BSR Staff
© 2024 Broad Street Review. All rights reserved. Support provided by the Philadelphia Cultural Fund.
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