Yes, I'm very late to making the connection that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day is also the same day as inauguration day. The universe has a funny way of messing with our heads, doesn't it?
Good thing I've become an excellent compartmentalizer, because those two things this time around more or less exist on two opposite sides of the spectrum.
MLK Day is actually one of my favorite US holidays of the year. It's the perfect time for self-reflection. We're well past the holidaze at this point, and the new year is already started to reveal its themes—at least for me they are. This weekend (and Monday, obviously) is my chance to map out the blueprint for the year. Using last year's experiences as a guide and any other overarching narratives happening in and around my life, now is the time to steady the ship and prepare to navigate through the water. Sure, we can't know what the future holds, but we can establish what we want to hold (and receive) for ourselves as the future gradually becomes tomorrow, today, and then yesterday.
Be sure to check out this week's roundup for a look at what's happening in the area for MLK Day. There are also some cool new plays, art exhibits, and soundscape performances happening this week. You might also want to check out Morton Contemporary's new exhibit, We Are All Doing Time.
Stay safe, Philly!
Kyle V. Hiller
BSR associate editor