An 1864 painting by an "outrageous" French artist (in his time, anyway) was hidden in the basement of a local historic dental institute, and fortunately, a curator took a second look at the signature. The PMA's latest photo exhibition features a signed Diane Arbus that the collectors found in a bargain bin. And in a more personal narrative, a new BSR writer shares what she knows now, looing back at her childhood, and how she honors that little girl.
A 25th anniversary performance by Kun-Yang Lin/Dancers resurfaces older works, including one that finally gets its Philly premiere, as well as premieres from the next generation of artists. And the latest from Irish Heritage Theatre is a pair of plays inspired by Chekhov.
It's a good reminder that most things happening today on the art scene have their own long threads from the past -- and who knows what they'll signify in the future, or what work they'll inspire? At BSR, we're taking it week by week, but we do love the bigger picture.
Alaina Johns
BSR editor-in-chief